Primate Holidays

Explore Uganda Safari Destinations

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Uganda National Parks | Uganda Safaris Destinations

East Africa is a great option if you’re thinking of going on your first safari in Africa to see the wildlife. It is the pioneering location where the idea of safaris first emerged. In Swahili, the word “safari” means “making a journey” and alludes to the extensive distances people travelled for trade routes. Today, epic tales of adventure, love, and thrills have helped to popularize East African safaris in literature and movies. Let’s look at what the top safaris in East Africa have to offer travelers like you and your family.


Every traveler can experience a relaxed introduction to the continent on an East Africa safari. In return, it has provided species, landscape, atmosphere, and knowledge. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and the Indian Ocean islands of Zanzibar and Seychelles are among the safari strongholds in East Africa. With mountains like Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya, Rwenzori Mountains, and the Virunga Mountains, the area is well known for its enormous concentrations of wild animals. Lake Victoria, the second-largest freshwater lake in the world, and Lake Tanganyika, the second-deepest lake in the world with opportunities for gorilla and chimpanzee trekking safaris, are both located in East Africa.

Uganda Safari Destinations.


Uganda Safari Destinations are the many locations where tourists constantly swarm due to their distinctive qualities and attractions. Travellers that come to Uganda for a safari frequently wonder where to go, what the location will have to offer, and a host of other questions. The destinations to visit when on a safari in Uganda are listed below.

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.


One of the most popular safari destinations in Uganda is Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, located in south-western Uganda. The park is home to the critically endangered mountain gorillas, which are travelled year-round. As part of your safari, you can participate in the gorilla trekking experience to observe the beautiful gorillas in their natural habitat as they, among other things, play, eat, hunt for food, and care for their young. The main activity in this park is trekking, which typically starts from 30 minutes to 6 hours and includes an hour spent with gorillas. To participate in this activity, you must be in good physical condition, and you must reserve your trekking permits from the Uganda Wildlife Authority or a tour operator like Primate Holidays at least three months in advance. Each trekker must purchase a permit for 700 USD for foreign non-residents, 600 USD for foreign residents and 250000 UGX for East African citizens. Mountain biking, bird watching,  Batwa cultural experience, guided nature walks through the Bwindi Forest to waterfalls, Buhoma Cultural Tour, and gorilla habitat development are some of the additional safari activities available in the park.


Queen Elizabeth National Park.


South Western Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park is renowned for its diverse fauna, birdlife, and distinctive craters, all of which add to the splendor of the park. The park is the oldest park in Uganda and was named after the queen of England. Activities to do on a safari in the park are

Game drives; that allow you to see the range of wildlife in the park including antelopes, impalas, kobs, buffaloes, leopards, warthogs and many others. For morning game drives, the drives begin at 6 am, and for afternoon game drives, they begin in the late afternoons as well as night game drives to see nocturnal animal species with the help of the spotlight torches.

Ishasha offers lion encounters where you may observe the rare tree-climbing lions. A specialized tool that can be purchased from the park headquarters for a fee allows for the tracking of the lions.

Boat cruise; Kazinga Channel, which joins Lake Edward and Lake George, is the site of this activity. You travel down the channel on the boat while admiring the local flora and seeing various waterfowl and aquatic species.

Bird watching; More than 600 different bird species can be found in the park, including the shoe-billed stork, sedge warbles, and yellow-throated cuckoo. Any time of day, visitors to the park can go on bird watching excursions to see all of these birds.

Chimpanzee trekking in the Kyambura Gorge; Chimpanzees are habituated in this park’s Kyambura Gorge, where treks can be taken at any time of the year.

Nature hikes; to see the incredible flora and craters in the park, go on a nature hike. A visit to the park will give you such a delightful safari experience you will be pleased you visited the park.


Murchison Falls National Park.


The largest national park in the nation and the location of the renowned Murchison Falls is northwest Uganda’s Murchison Falls National Park.  This one is the largest and most popular. You can engage in a variety of activities during your visit to the park to prepare for your safari. The activities consist of:

Game drives: You can witness a variety of species in this park on either a morning or an afternoon game drive and night game drives. You can view lions, Uganda kobs, giraffes, impalas, buffalos, and other animals.

Launch trips: A launch excursion on the Nile River will transport you on a breathtaking journey to the renowned Murchison Falls. On the launch voyage, you can observe various water birds and the magnificent greenery that surrounds the river.

Top of the falls: If you feel up to it, you can choose to trek up the falls following the launch voyage to see the falls from the top. Although it’s a very thrilling experience, it’s not for the timid.

The park is an excellent place to go bird watching because it is home to hundreds of different bird species.  The indigenous Albertine birds, savannah forest birds, and water birds, including the renowned shoe bill stork, will all be visible to you.

Sport fishing on the Nile River is a fantastic pastime that you may partake in if you enjoy sports or competitiveness. You get to compete in catching fish from the river that you can roast after for a meal.

Other activities you can do in the park include nature walks in the park, cultural encounters and chimpanzee trekking in Budongo forest.


Kidepo Valley National Park.


Despite being one of the best game parks in Africa, Kidepo Valley National Park in Northern Uganda is thought to be the furthest park from Kampala, the country’s capital. It is located around 10 hours to the north of Kampala.

The park is home to a wide variety of wild animals; in fact, it is regarded as Uganda’s most species-rich park. Visitors can see all of these creatures on morning and evening game drives through the park. Cheetahs, elephants, leopards, bush duikers, jackals, bushbucks, bush pigs, ostriches, buffalo, and many other species are among the animals.

The thorough game drives that will give you a good dose of the wild are by far the most popular safari activity carried out in this park. However, you can also engage in other activities there, such as bird watching, nature walks, and hikes to local communities.

Due to the park’s distance from the nation’s capital and the typically lengthy trip required to get there, the majority of visitors choose to fly instead.


Source of the Nile.


All tourists who come to Uganda must see the Nile’s source in Jinja. You get to see the beginning of the world’s longest river. This unique occasion is for everybody who recognizes the Nile River’s enormous significance. You can engage in additional leisure activities on the Nile, including as white water rafting, bungee jumping, quad biking, and jet boating, and kayaking, in addition to observing the Nile’s source.

Additionally, the nearby safari facilities provide opportunities for community visits, swimming, and horseback riding.


Rwenzori Mountains National Park.


Rwenzori was designated a UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE SITE because of its extraordinary natural experiences, including hiking opportunities, breathtaking waterfalls, valleys of nine lakes, and a variety of endangered species of fauna and flora. The mountain is 1000 kilometres square in size. Rwenzori Mountain is the highest mountain that offers incredible hiking safari in Uganda.


Semuliki National Park.


The Sempaya Hot Springs, which are the most prominent feature of Semiliki National Park and too hot to bathe in, are its main claim to fame. Eggs and green bananas may be boiled in 10 minutes, and the park is home to a variety of primate animals, including elephants, a grey-checked mangabey, monkeys, chimpanzees, antelopes, and several bird species.


Kibale National Park.


An excellent place to go on a safari, Kibale National Park is home to chimpanzees hence the park is known as the primate capital that offers wonderful chimpanzee trekking safari. The park is a home of other stunning animal species. Watch as animals, including endangered species, graze in the park of diversity’s natural ha